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As a helping professional, you are human. By reaching out for support, you continue competence and meet your ethical practice of Responsible Caring and Integrity in Relationships.

 “Loving yourself isn’t vanity. It’s sanity.”

large book in living room
large book in living room

Counselling for Helping Professionals

Take the Professional Quality of Life Self-Test

Are you feeling burned out?

Are you struggling with system-related stress?

Are you struggling with meaning and purpose in your work and your life?

Are you needing support for yourself as you support others?

"I know this do I forget to do this for me??"  Sometimes we need an objective eye and perspective to give us that little boost we need in order to get back on track, to review or re-assess where we are at.

Work as a helping professional brings unique challenges which can increase risk for burnout and affect the work we do with others. 

Together in a safe, non-threatening, one-on-one and confidential space, let's evaluate, assess, explore and attend to your personal needs and health, helping you feel revitalized and maintain your sense of purpose.

(must be Alberta Resident jurisdiction)



Aerial View of a Mountain River

Coaching for Helping Professionals

Are you a mental health professional, physical health therapist or helping professional looking for one-on-one tailored career related coaching, not therapy?


  • more balance in your life and work?

  • feeling overwhelmed, disorganized, putting off or behind on clinical operations?

  • needing assistance setting up or evaluating ethical telehealth or privacy practices?

  • struggling with selecting and prioritizing training and PD?

  • struggling with the pressure of profession-related obligations?

  • feeling a lack of confidence and competence?

  • transitioning in or out of your career and needing guidance?


Receive custom-for-you step-by-step guidance:


  • if you need just one or two sessions to springboard to where you know you need to go

  • if you need a small or larger dose of revitalization in your priorities and sense of work fulfillment

  • if you need a step-by-step longer term plan and direction towards your goals

  • if you need someone to just set things up for you given a busy schedule and high priorities



Nathalie Mercier, MA Registered Psychologist

Back Be Nimble Wellness Collective

#114, 8905 51 Avenue NW

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada  T6E 5J3

©2025 Crescent Psychological. Created with

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